20 Days Into 2020

We are 20 days into 2020 and all I want to know is… are you still keeping in check with your New Year’s resolutions? Are you still going to the gym, regularly? Are you still learning that new language?  Did you finish that book you promised you would read? Or did you fall back into your regular routine? Maybe you didn’t even make any resolutions because you don’t believe change NEEDS to happen on the 1st day of a new year.

Whatever you’ve accomplished, abandoned or kept consistent; just own up to it. 

And it’s okay to start your resolutions in February… March.. June.. or even in October. You know. Whenever you’re ready. You do, you. Thanks for checking in.

Oh, I guess before you go I should share my New Year attempts. 

Well, a new podcast will be posted here. I’m working on a title (I think I have something but maybe I don’t) Maybe I’ll run a full marathon this year. I kinda didn’t.. I mean, I DID NOT keep my word and I might owe ya’ll a promise. (scroll down to see a prior post about this) Will I make an attempt to reunite with my family? Nah, I have enough trash cans in my life. Maybe next year. Plus, they know where to find me. Why should I make the first move? We’ll discuss on the new pod. 

Happy New Year!


As you can tell by the title of this blog post, not much has changed with me. That’s partly why I haven’t posted anything in a while. 

I’ll start with some positives: 

  • I just got back from an industry fantasy football draft at the Pro Football Hall of Fame. I spent a few days with some of the top fantasy football minds. 

  • My buddy asked me to officiate his wedding. I’ve been studying / doing mock ceremonies in my living room with stuffed animals. (I’ve never officiated a wedding before, but I’ve been an Ordained Minister for a while)

  •  I’ve been podcasting with my boy Ani. You can can find every episode under the “PODCAST” tab, right here on my page! #FridayFriends (Check out the new logo)

  • I lost about 8 pounds and I can fit in my pants again.

Ok.. Let me get to why #MyLifeIsAMess. I get out of work around 2-3am most days. In the DC metro area public transportation isn’t fully running at that hour, so I drive to work. When I get home 9 out of 10 times the parking lot to my apartment building is full. The free street parking around my apartment building is full. About 4-5 blocks away, there’s available parking but all cars need to be moved by 8am. I don’t mind the walk, right now while it’s summer, but I’m not a big fan of getting home, sleeping for a couple hours, walking back to my car and moving it to my lot before 8 am. Keep in mind, I’m not the only one circling around looking for a spot either. Picture starving sharks circling around looking for something to attack. That’s what it feels like.

MY SOLUTION: Instead of driving around looking for parking when I get out of work, I’ve been driving for rideshare companies until 4-5 in the morning. The ultimate side hustle flex! I live in the middle of 3 airports and I’ve had a steady amount of rides every night. Most nights, I have rides that head towards where I live and I periodically get a chance to check for open spots in between rides, but for the most part nothing has opened up before 4:30am. The people I pick up are a cast of characters and it’s been pretty entertaining.

My question to you is: What would you do? Would you rideshare side hustle or would you just park a few blocks away and move your car a couple of hours later?

Dang peer pressure...

Dang peer pressure… You’ve gone and done it. You, YES YOU are to blame for this. Ya’ll are forcing me to do something I’ve never done before, again.

Every Monday, as I’m scrolling through the BIG 3 social media apps, I come across the hashtag “#MotivationMonday.” Well, today is the day I have finally been motivated. In 2019 I will complete my first (and probably only) FULL MARATHON!

I hate running, but I bought running sneakers about 2 years ago and never used them. So, tomorrow I will dust them off and start my training. If you know any good marathons in the DMV, let me know. I haven’t figured out anything past the “get out a run” part.


My Media is Social

If it happened, it's here..

Ju-lie Babbo Natale

This past weekend I ran into someone I haven't spoken to in a very long time. It was a very brief encounter; we exchanged a few words, shook hands and went on our merry (separate) way. It's funny how people change over the years. I remember spending hours as a child trying to figure out ways to hang out with him and I even wrote him a few letters, too. I would ask my parents to invite him to dinner, or at least let me go visit him. They would always explain to me that he lived very far away. 

My friend and I never planned to meet up but he always seemed to be around in December, right around my birthday. The times we did meet up usually happened at the mall or he would come visit me at school. No matter how long we spent apart, it would be as if we were never seperated. I went back to telling him everything I wanted to tell him and his face would light up like a Christmas tree with excitement. As the years went on the conversations got shorter and shorter and our interactions would happen less and less, till they stopped taking place all together. I would still see him at the same places but neither of us would make an effort to start up a conversation. 

Back then I didn't think anything of it but sadly, after this weekend, I realized we both lost that twinkle that used to shine in our eyes when we used to see each other. Don't get me wrong, it was great seeing him after all these years. It was just different and it got me thinking how over the years I've met so many people and some of those relationships have faded away, as well. 

I've always thought of contacting someone randomly, via social media, to hang out, catch up, grab a bite to eat, maybe a drink or two.. something along those lines. But then a little voice in my head has always stopped me. 

"oh, that's just creepy"

"don't be that guy"

"hmm.. let's do this another time"

(This is usually when I delete the text message I already typed into my mobile phone and proof read 5 times)

Today I realized I shouldn't let that little voice control my original intentions. 

WOW.. I got off topic a bit. I just wanted to share with you that I saw an old friend the other day and we had good time catching up. I'm hoping I run into other old friends, in the near future, and get a chance to catch up with them too. 

Thanks for stopping by.

PS. Here's a picture of my friend and I.

I was always under the assumption he lived at the North Pole.. He told me he lives in Toms River. Must be a summer home while he's on vacation. IDK. What is Christmas in July?


Day 28

Two Weeks

I spent almost a full year talking about it. I spent many months planning for it. Countless hours daydreaming and fantasizing if it was even a feasible idea. At times I would bring it up joking, and then other times I spent time defending my plan. It’s funny because looking back on my actions, I realize I did almost the same thing when I was contemplating a career in Broadcasting. Originally I was a Business major, but then one day I flipped a switch in my brain and I handed in a change of major request form. The rest is history. I’ve been working in the industry with various jobs since 2010.

So two weeks ago I finally did it. Did what? I donated most of my belongings, I traded in my car, bought a van and started a new, minimalistic chapter in my life. My goal is to still be successful working in the radio industry, and at the same time I don’t feel the need to be tied down to any given location. I believe the term is NOMAD. It sounds crazy, believe me, I know. But I’m happy. Keep in mind at any point I can go back to, living a conventional lifestyle and sign a lease at a fancy apartment complex. I’m not jobless, nor am I homeless. This machine on wheels, at least for the past two weeks, is my home. I’m just a dude in a van.

So why did I type this? Why am I posting this on a website? Why am I really living in a van? The most simple way I can answer all those questions is….. You’re going to have to stay tuned in to find out.

I’m going to use this website to document my journey, finally get my podcast off the ground, and hopefully one day land my dream job as a Radio Producer. In the meantime I’m learning to live a stress free life and enjoying the simple things in my life. Thanks for stopping by and please spread the word!

www.dudeinvan.com & www.onlysandro.com go to the same place.

Follow me on Twitter @onlysandro

I’m inviting anyone and everyone on my podcast!

“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else” –Les Brown