A Confused State of Mind

Day 351.. I feel like somewhere I miscounted.  

That's not the reason I'm confused though. I'm currently in Missouri, the county I'm in is Texas, and I'm in the middle of a town called Houston. Say what?! 

38 days to get to Houston with 5 rest days, ain't bad, right? 

These hills in the Ozark Mountains are killing me. The scenery in this part of Missouri is beautiful though. So it's pretty much an even trade. Hard work all day and in return you get to see sights, like in the picture below. We hope to be in Kansas before the end of the week. Since Kansas is flat, I'm hoping we get atleast one day done with 100+ miles. 


100 years of racing

Hello all. Day 338. 

I'm in Indianapolis.. I rely on my iPhone's autocorrect to spell "Indanapolis." The city is pretty busy because it's the 100th race at the Indy Speedway. It's the first time in 50 years that it's sold out, so locally they won't black it out on TV. The locals are pretty exited. It's interesting from a TV/Radio background. I guess. Our goal today is to be in Illinois by the end of the day.  We don't have a place to sleep planned out, yet. I'm kinda looking forward to stealth camping or knocking on a farmer's front door and asking to borrow some of 'ye ol' land.' If you know what I mean? The app Warmshowers has been awesome so far. All the people on the app hosting are very generous. I'm about to use it all the time when I get back to #VanLife. 

That's all for now.

My snapchat has been bumpin', so if you want to check that out. ADD ON SNAP


Til next time y'all! Heading west to San Fran! 
